Tired of Waiting to Get Back in the Game?
Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Your Sports Injury as Quickly as Possible
Injuries are quite common for an athlete. Sports injuries often lead to the loss of a match or a tournament for the athletes and sometimes it can cost them their careers. Physical Therapy is a good option in sports injury treatment New Jersey. So if you are looking for a physical therapist to treat any kind of sports injuries, look no further. Paul Wiener Physical Therapy has the best physical therapists in New Jersey for all your sports injuries.
Reasons for Sports Injuries
Professional athletes have to perform repetitive movements which could lead to injuries. Sportsmen are always at a higher risk of having sports-related injuries due to their profession. These injuries could impact the athletes in a negative way if they are treated promptly. Physical Therapy is probably the best way to treat them for better and longer results. When athletes perform repeated motions they can cause stress on particular muscles which causes sports-related injuries. There are mainly two types of injuries that are, acute and chronic.
Acute Injuries
When a sportsman falls, twists their foot, or receives a blow while playing, and sudden pain is felt, it is called acute injury. These are a few symptoms to identify acute injuries. If you are experiencing sudden or severe pain or you see swelling or bruising somewhere, it is probably an acute injury caused while playing. Other common symptoms are: if you are unable to move a joint how you normally could, you can see a joint or bone visibly out of place or you are not able to put weight on your foot, ankle, or knee.
Chronic Injuries
Injuries that develop slowly over time are called chronic injuries. They are caused due to repetitive movements. Common examples of chronic injuries are knee injuries and shin splits. The symptoms of chronic injuries can be pain while playing, training, sitting, walking, climbing, etc. Players can also experience swelling or dull aches.
Our Team of Physical Therapists
Our team is qualified and experienced in any kind of sports injuries. They will diagnose the pain and root cause of it and treat your injury accordingly. Our team of expert physical therapists will help you get better as soon as possible because we value your time. They will be with on every step of the way and will treat you until you recover completely. Don’t let an injury stop you. We at Paul Weiner Physical Therapy are with you. We treat sports injuries often and are quite familiar with and experienced in treating them.
We are certified physical therapists for all your sports injuries. You know you are in good hands when our experts treat you. We will not an injury slow you down. With our experience and determination, you will be back on your feet in no time. You can contact us through email or phone. You can find our contact details on our website under the “Contact Us” tab. You can even fill out the form available under the “Contact Us” tab and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Contact Us today to recover from a sports injury and experience the best sports injury treatment New Jersey.